Creates a display list item with palette selector.
Creates a display list item without palette selector.
Replaces the sprite with a new one. If the sizes are mismatching, the top-left coordinates are left as is, but the slicing is reset.
Resets the slice to its original position.
Height of the sprite
Sets the master alpha value of the sprite, e.g. opacity
Selects the palette of the sprite. Amount of accessable color depends on the palette access shifting value. A value of 8 enables 256 * 256 color palettes, and a value of 4 enables 4096 * 16 color palettes. paletteSh can be set lower than what the bitmap is capable of storing at its maximum, this can enable the packing of more palettes within the main one, e.g. a paletteSh value of 7 means 512 * 128 color palettes, while the bitmaps are still stored in the 8 bit "chunky" mode instead of 7 bit planar that would require way more processing power. However this doesn't limit the bitmap's ability to access 256 colors, and this can result in memory leakage if the end developer isn't careful enough.
Points to the pixel data.
Stores the position relative to the origin point. Actual display position is determined by the scroll positions.
Used for automatic sorting and identification.
From version 0.10.0 onwards, each sprites can have their own rendering function set up to allow different effect on a single layer. If not specified otherwise, the layer's main rendering function will be used instead. Custom rendering functions can be written by the user, it requires knowledge of writing pixel shader-like functions using fixed-point arithmetics. Use of vector optimizatons techniques (SSE2, AVX, NEON, etc) are needed for optimal performance.
Horizontal scaling
Vertical scaling
To compensate for the lack of scanline interrupt capabilities, this enables chopping off parts of a sprite.
Width of the sprite
Helps to determine the displaying properties and order of sprites.