Value | Meaning |
riffInitial"RIFF" | to initialize the RIFF format |
bankInitial"BANK" | currently unused |
globalSettings"GLOB" | global settings (eg. tunings, routing, channel masking) |
instrumentPreset"INSP" | indicates that the next chunk is an instrument preset. length = InstrumentPreset.sizeof + ChannelPresetMain.sizeof |
envGenA"ENVA" | indicates that there's envelope generator data for the current preset. length = EnvelopeStage.sizeof * egaStages |
envGenB"ENVB" | indicates that there's envelope generator data for the current preset. length = EnvelopeStage.sizeof * egbStages |
instrumentData"INSD" | indicates that the next chunk contains sample layer data for the current preset. length = ChannelPresetSamples.sizeof * sampleLayers |
samplePreset"SLMP" | indicates that the next chunk is a sample preset. length = SamplePreset * sizeof |
lfoPreset"LFOP" | indicates that the next chunk is an LFO preset. length = FXSamplePreset * sizeof |
fiResponse"FIRS" | indicates that the next chunk is an FIR preset. length = FXSamplePreset * sizeof |
RIFF header to identify preset data in banks.