Mostly Q
Frequency center of the filtering
Sets the feedback level of the FIR filter, negative values invert the signal
Sets the modifiers for the firFeedback (fixValue controls don't work)
Sets the output level of the FIR filter, negative values invert the signal
Sets the modifiers for the firLevel (fixValue controls don't work)
Selects the FIR filter type for the left channel
Selects the FIR filter type for the right channel
Sets the level of the dry signal
Selects the IIR filter type
Sets the level of the wet signal
Sets the LFO frequency
Selects the LFO Waveform
Modifies all left channel outputs
Modifies all right channel outputs
1: Main left; 2: Main right; 3: Aux left; 4: Aux right
Preset data. Does not store the data regarding instrument samples.