- addSprite
void addSprite(ABitmap s, int n, Coordinate c, BitmapAttrib attr)
Adds a sprite to the layer.
- addSprite
void addSprite(ABitmap s, int n, int x, int y, BitmapAttrib attr)
Adds a sprite to the layer.
- editSpriteAttribute
void editSpriteAttribute(int n, T value)
Edits a sprite attribute.
- getSpriteCoordinate
Coordinate getSpriteCoordinate(int n)
Gets the coordinate of the sprite.
- moveSprite
void moveSprite(int n, int x, int y)
Moves the sprite to the given location.
- relMoveSprite
void relMoveSprite(int n, int x, int y)
Relatively moves the sprite by the given values.
- removeSprite
void removeSprite(int n)
Removes the sprite with the given ID.
- replaceSprite
void replaceSprite(ABitmap s, int n)
Replaces the sprite. If the new sprite has a different dimension, the old sprite's upper-left corner will be used.
- replaceSprite
void replaceSprite(ABitmap s, int n, int x, int y)
Replaces the sprite and moves to the given position.
- replaceSprite
void replaceSprite(ABitmap s, int n, Coordinate c)
Replaces the sprite and moves to the given position.
- replaceSpriteAttribute
void replaceSpriteAttribute(int n, BitmapAttrib attr)
Replaces a sprite attribute.
General SpriteLayer interface.