Creates a raster with the supplied parameters.
Adds a layer at the given priority.
Adds a palette chunk to the end of the main palette.
Adds a RefreshListener to its list.
Clears an area of the palette with zeroes. Returns the original area.
Returns the workpad.
Returns if the raster is refreshing.
Loads a palette into the object. Returns the new palette of the object.
Loads a palette chunk into the object. The offset determines where the palette should be loaded. If it points to an existing place, the indices after that will be overwritten until the whole palette will be copied. If it points to the end or after it, then the palette will be made longer, and will pad with values 0x00_00_00_00 if needed. Returns the new palette of the object.
Refreshes the whole framebuffer.
Removes a layer at the given priority.
Resets the avgFPS to zero.
Sets the number of colors.
Returns the current average FPS count.
Returns the current FPS count.
Returns a copy of the palette of the object.
Color format is ARGB, with each index having their own transparency.
Framebuffer currently being displayed
Stores the layers by their priorities.
Number of framebuffers, 2 for double buffering.
Framebuffer currently being updated
Returns the palette of the object.
Returns the given palette index.
Sets the given palette index to the given value.
Adds a palette chunk to the end of the main palette.
Loads a palette into the object. Returns the new palette of the object.
Loads a palette chunk into the object. The offset determines where the palette should be loaded. If it points to an existing place, the indices after that will be overwritten until the whole palette will be copied. If it points to the end or after it, then the palette will be made longer, and will pad with values #00000000 if needed. Returns the new palette of the object.
Clears an area of the palette with zeroes. Returns the original area.
Handles multiple layers onto one framebuffer.