1 module PixelPerfectEngine.map.mapdata;
2 /*
3  * Copyright (C) 2015-2017, by Laszlo Szeremi under the Boost license.
4  *
5  * Pixel Perfect Engine, map module
6  */
7 import std.stdio;
8 import std.file;
9 import std.conv;
10 import std.base64;
11 import PixelPerfectEngine.graphics.bitmap;
12 import PixelPerfectEngine.graphics.layers;
13 import PixelPerfectEngine.system.exc;
14 import core.stdc.stdlib;
15 import core.stdc.stdio;
16 import std..string;
18 version(Windows){
19 	import core.sys.windows.windows;
20 	import std.windows.syserror;
21 }else{
22 	import core.stdc.errno;
23 }
25 public import PixelPerfectEngine.system.exc;
26 /**
27  * Contains the very basic data for the map binary file (*.mbf).
28  */
29 public struct MapDataHeader{
30 	public uint flags;
31 	public uint fileLength;	/// fileLength = sizeX * sizeY + MapDataHeader.sizeof;
32 	public int sizeX;
33 	public int sizeY;
34 	this(int sizeX, int sizeY){
35 		this.fileLength = cast(uint)(sizeX * sizeY + MapDataHeader.sizeof);
36 		this.sizeX = sizeX;
37 		this.sizeY = sizeY;
38 	}
39 }
41 /**
42  * Saves a map to an external file.
43  */
44 public void saveMapFile(MapDataHeader* header, ref MappingElement[] map, string name){
45 	FILE* outputStream = fopen(toStringz(name), "wb");
46 	if(outputStream is null){
47 		import std.conv;
48 		version(Windows){
49 			DWORD errorCode = GetLastError();
50 		}else version(Posix){
51 			int errorCode = errno;
52 		}
53 		throw new FileAccessException("File access error! Error number: " ~ to!string(errorCode));
54 	}
56 	fwrite(cast(void*)header, MapDataHeader.sizeof, 1, outputStream);
57 	fwrite(cast(void*)map.ptr, MappingElement.sizeof, map.length, outputStream);
59 	fclose(outputStream);
60 }
62 /**
63  * Loads a map from an external file. Header must be preallocated.
64  */
65 public MappingElement[] loadMapFile(MapDataHeader* header, string name){
66 	FILE* inputStream = fopen(toStringz(name), "rb");
67 	MappingElement[] result;
68 	if(inputStream is null){
69 		import std.conv;
70 		version(Windows){
71 			DWORD errorCode = GetLastError();
72 		}else version(Posix){
73 			int errorCode = errno;
74 		}
75 		throw new FileAccessException("File access error! Error number: " ~ to!string(errorCode));
76 	}
78 	fread(cast(void*)header, MapDataHeader.sizeof, 1, inputStream);
79 	result.length = header.sizeX * header.sizeY;
80 	fread(cast(void*)result, MappingElement.sizeof, result.length, inputStream);
82 	fclose(inputStream);
83 	return result;
84 }
86 /**
87  * Loads a map from a BASE64 string.
88  */
89 public MappingElement[] loadMapFromBase64(in char[] input, int length){
90 	MappingElement[] result;
91 	result.length = length;
92 	Base64.decode(input, cast(ubyte[])cast(void[])result);
93 	return result;
94 }
96 /**
97  * Saves a map to a BASE64 string.
98  */
99 public char[] saveMapToBase64(in MappingElement[] input){
100 	char[] result;
101 	Base64.encode(cast(ubyte[])cast(void[])input, result);
102 	return result;
103 }