Constructor. tX , tY : Set the size of the tiles on the layer.
Adds a tile to the tileSet. t : The tile. id : The ID in wchar to differentiate between different tiles.
Writes to the map. x , y : Position. w : ID of the tile. Loads a mapping from an array. x , y : Sizes of the mapping. map : an array representing the elements of the map. x*y=map.length
Gets the the ID of the given element from the mapping. x , y : Position.
Removes the tile with the ID from the set.
Warpmode: if enabled, the layer will be turned into an "infinite" mode.
Returns which tile is at the given pixel
Writes to the map. x , y : Position. w : ID of the tile.
Used to get around some readability issues. (void* src, void* dest, int length)
Sets the main rasterizer
Sets the rendering mode
Absolute scrolling.
Relative scrolling. Positive values scrolls the layer left and up, negative values scrolls the layer down and right.
Getter for the X scroll position.
Getter for the Y scroll position.
Override this to enable output to the raster
Standard algorithm for horizontal mirroring Will be deprecated in later versions and instead external functions will be used.
Reads the mapping element from the given area.
Writes the given element into the mapping at the given location.
Loads the mapping, primarily used for deserialization.
Removes the tile from the display list with the given ID.
Returns the tile ID from the location by pixel.
Returns the width of the tiles.
Returns the height of the tiles.
Returns the width of the mapping.
Returns the height of the mapping.
Returns the total width of the tile layer.
Returns the total height of the tile layer.
Adds a tile.
General purpose TileLayer with palette support, mainly for backgrounds. Use multiple of this class for paralax scrolling. Can use any kind of bitmaps thanks to code restructuring.