Value | Meaning |
NULL0 | |
KeyOn1 | val0: Note, val1: Velocity, val2: Expression |
KeyOff2 | val0: Note, val1: Velocity, val2: Expression |
AfterTouch3 | val0: Note, val1: Velocity, val2: Expression |
PitchBend4 | val0: Note, val1: Corase, val2: Fine |
PitchBentFP5 | val0: Note, valf: Amount |
ProgSelect6 | val0: Prog, val1: Bank if used, val2: Unused |
ParamEdit7 | val0: Parameter ID, val1: New value, val2: Unused |
ParamEditFP8 | val0: Parameter ID, valf: New value |
ParamEdit329 | val0: Parameter ID, val32: New value |
PrgKeyOn11 | Special key-on command. Same params as KeyOn. Mainly used for arpeggiation and programming sequences |
PrgKeyOff12 | Special key-off command. Same params as KeyOff. Mainly used for arpeggiation and programming sequences |
SysExc16 | |
MIDIThruMICP17 | val0 is unused |
Wait24 | val0: bits 32-47 if needed, val32: bits 0-31 |
Command list for MICP