Implements a Box object. Adds a single Coordinate property to the default MapObject
Serializes/deserializes XMF map data in SDLang format. Each layer can contain objects (eg. for marking events, clipping, or sprites if applicable), tilemapping (not for SpriteLayers), embedded data such as tilemapping or scripts, and so on.
Represents a single object within a layer, that can represent many different things. All objects have a priority identifier (int), a group identifier (int), and a name.
Implements a sprite object. Adds a sprite source identifier, X and Y coordinates, and two 1024 based scaling indicator.
Parses a color from SDLang Tag 't', then returns it as the engine's default format.
Parses an ofject from an SDLang tag.
Serializes the engine's color format into an SDLang Tag.