- FocusableSet
alias FocusableSet = LinkedList!(Focusable, false, "a is b")
Undocumented in source.
- WESet
alias WESet = LinkedList!(WindowElement, false, "a is b")
Undocumented in source.
- SBSet
alias SBSet = LinkedList!(ISmallButton, false, "a is b")
Undocumented in source.
- CWSet
alias CWSet = LinkedList!(Window, false, "a is b")
Undocumented in source.
- focusables
FocusableSet focusables;
All focusable objects belonging to the window
- elements
WESet elements;
Stores all window elements here
- title
Text title;
- lastMouseEventTarget
WindowElement lastMouseEventTarget;
Used for mouse move and wheel events
- focusedElement
sizediff_t focusedElement;
The index of the currently focused element, or -1 if none
- handler
WindowHandler handler;
The handler of the window
- output
BitmapDrawer output;
Graphics output of the window
- moveX
int moveX;
Undocumented in source.
- moveY
int moveY;
Relative x and y coordinates for drag events
- flags
uint flags;
Undocumented in source.
Undocumented in source.
Undocumented in source.
enum IS_MOVED;
Undocumented in source.
Undocumented in source.
Undocumented in source.
Undocumented in source.
Undocumented in source.
Undocumented in source.
Undocumented in source.
- lastMousePos
Point lastMousePos;
Stores the last mouse position.
- smallButtons
SBSet smallButtons;
Contains the icons of the extra buttons. Might be replaced with a WindowElement in the future
- position
Box position;
- customStyle
StyleSheet customStyle;
Custom stylesheet for this window
- children
CWSet children;
- parent
Window parent;
Stores reference to the parent
- onClose
void delegate() onClose;
Called when the window is closed
- onDrawUpdate
void delegate() onDrawUpdate;
Called if not null after every draw update
- getPosition
Box getPosition()
Returns the window's position.
- setPosition
Box setPosition(Box newPos)
Sets the new position for the window.
- getStyleSheet
StyleSheet getStyleSheet()
If the current window doesn't contain a custom StyleSheet, it gets from it's parent.
- addElement
void addElement(WindowElement we)
Adds an element to the window.
- removeElement
void removeElement(WindowElement we)
Removes the WindowElement if 'we' is found within its ranges, does nothing otherwise.
- addHeaderButton
void addHeaderButton(ISmallButton sb)
Adds a smallbutton to the header.
- removeHeaderButton
void removeHeaderButton(ISmallButton sb)
Removes a smallbutton from the header.
- draw
void draw(bool drawHeaderOnly)
Draws the window. Intended to be used by the WindowHandler.
- drawHeader
void drawHeader()
- active
bool active [@property getter]
Returns true if the window is focused
- active
bool active [@property setter]
Sets the IS_ACTIVE flag to the given value
- isMoved
bool isMoved [@property getter]
Returns whether the window is moved or not
- isMoved
bool isMoved [@property setter]
Sets whether the window is moved or not
- setTitle
void setTitle(Text s)
void setTitle(dstring s)
Sets the title of the window
- getTitle
Text getTitle()
Returns the title of the window
- close
void close(Event ev)
void close()
Closes the window by calling the WindowHandler's closeWindow function.
- addHandler
void addHandler(WindowHandler wh)
Adds a WindowHandler to the window.
- getAbsolutePosition
Coordinate getAbsolutePosition(WindowElement sender)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- move
void move(int x, int y)
Moves the window to the exact location.
- relMove
void relMove(int x, int y)
Moves the window by the given values.
- resize
void resize(int width, int height)
Sets the size of the window, also issues a redraw.
- getOutput
ABitmap getOutput [@property getter]
Returns the outputted bitmap.
Can be overridden for 32 bit outputs.
- requestFocus
void requestFocus(WindowElement sender)
Gives focus to the windowelement requesting it.
- requestCursor
void requestCursor(CursorType type)
Sets the cursor to the given type on request.
- addChildWindow
void addChildWindow(Window w)
Adds a child window to the current window.
- removeChildWindow
void removeChildWindow(Window w)
Removes a child window from the current window.
- getChildWindows
CWSet getChildWindows()
Returns the child windows.
- drawLine
void drawLine(Point from, Point to, ubyte color)
- drawLinePattern
void drawLinePattern(Point from, Point to, ubyte[] pattern)
- drawBox
void drawBox(Coordinate target, ubyte color)
Draws an empty rectangle.
- drawBoxPattern
void drawBoxPattern(Coordinate target, ubyte[] pattern)
Draws an empty rectangle with line patterns.
- drawFilledBox
void drawFilledBox(Coordinate target, ubyte color)
Draws a filled rectangle with a specified color,
- bitBLT
void bitBLT(Point target, ABitmap source)
Pastes a bitmap to the given point using blitter, which threats color #0 as transparency.
- bitBLT
void bitBLT(Point target, ABitmap source, Coordinate slice)
Pastes a slice of a bitmap to the given point using blitter, which threats color #0 as transparency.
- bitBLTPattern
void bitBLTPattern(Coordinate target, ABitmap pattern)
Pastes a repeated bitmap pattern over the specified area.
- xorBitBLT
void xorBitBLT(Coordinate target, ABitmap pattern)
XOR blits a repeated bitmap pattern over the specified area.
- xorBitBLT
void xorBitBLT(Coordinate target, ubyte color)
XOR blits a color index over a specified area.
- fill
void fill(Point target, ubyte color, ubyte background)
Fills an area with the specified color.
- drawTextSL
void drawTextSL(Coordinate target, Text text, Point offset)
Draws a single line text within the given prelimiter.
- drawTextML
void drawTextML(Coordinate target, Text text, Point offset)
Draws a multi line text within the given prelimiter.
- clearArea
void clearArea(Coordinate target)
Clears the area within the target
- focusGiven
void focusGiven()
Called when an object receives focus.
- focusTaken
void focusTaken()
Called when an object loses focus.
- cycleFocus
int cycleFocus(int direction)
Cycles the focus on a single element.
Returns -1 if end is reached, or the number of remaining elements that
are cycleable in the direction.
- passKey
void passKey(uint keyCode, ubyte mod)
Passes key events to the focused element when not in text editing mode.
- passMCE
void passMCE(MouseEventCommons mec, MouseClickEvent mce)
- passMME
void passMME(MouseEventCommons mec, MouseMotionEvent mme)
- passMWE
void passMWE(MouseEventCommons mec, MouseWheelEvent mwe)
Passes mouse scroll event
- addPopUpElement
void addPopUpElement(PopUpElement p)
Puts a PopUpElement on the GUI.
- addPopUpElement
void addPopUpElement(PopUpElement p, int x, int y)
Puts a PopUpElement on the GUI at the given position.
- endPopUpSession
void endPopUpSession(PopUpElement p)
Ends the popup session and closes all popups.
- closePopUp
void closePopUp(PopUpElement p)
Closes a single popup element.
- closeButton
SmallButton closeButton(StyleSheet ss)
Generates a generic close button
Preliminary, future version will feature material selection with images.