1 module pixelperfectengine.collision.common;
3 /*
4  * Copyright (C) 2015-2020, by Laszlo Szeremi under the Boost license.
5  *
6  * Pixel Perfect Engine, collision.common module.
7  */
9 public import pixelperfectengine.graphics.common;
10 public import pixelperfectengine.graphics.bitmap;
11 public import pixelperfectengine.graphics.layers : MappingElement;
12 import collections.treemap;
14 /**
15  * Defines a shape for collision detection.
16  */
17 public struct CollisionShape {
18 	Box				position;	///Position of the shape in the 2D space.
19 	Bitmap1Bit		shape;		///The shape defined by a 1 bit bitmap. Null if custom shape isn't needed
20 	/**
21 	 * Creates a collision shape.
22 	 * Params:
23 	 *   position: The position of the bounding box.
24 	 *   shape: The shape of the object in the form of a 1 bit bitmap if any, null otherwise.
25 	 */
26 	public this(Box position, Bitmap1Bit shape) @nogc @safe pure nothrow {
27 		this.position = position;
28 		this.shape = shape;
29 		//this.id = id;
30 	}
31 }
32 alias ObjectMap = TreeMap!(int, CollisionShape);
33 /**
34  * Contains information about an object collision event.
35  */
36 public class ObjectCollisionEvent {
37 	/**
38 	 * Defines types of object collisions that can happen
39 	 */
40 	public enum Type : ubyte {
41 		None,				///No collision have been occured
42 		//BoxCorner,		//TODO: Implement
43 		BoxOverlap,			///Two boxes are overlapping
44 		BoxEdge,			///Two edges are one pixel apart
45 		ShapeOverlap,		///Two shapes overlap each other
46 	}
47 	CollisionShape*	shA;		///The object (A) that was tested against other objects
48 	CollisionShape*	shB;		///The object (B) that was found colliding with the source object
49 	int				idA;		///ID of object A
50 	int				idB;		///ID of object B
51 	int				contextID;	///The context of the collision (e.g. tester ID)
52 	Box				overlap;	///Overlapping area of the collision
53 	Type			type;		///Type of the object collision
54 	///default CTOR
55 	public this(CollisionShape* shA, CollisionShape* shB, int contextID, Box overlap, Type type) 
56 			@nogc @safe pure nothrow {
57 		this.shA = shA;
58 		this.shB = shB;
59 		this.contextID = contextID;
60 		this.overlap = overlap;
61 		this.type = type;
62 	}
63 }
64 /**
65  * Contains information about an object to TileLayer collision event.
66  * Custom Bitmap shapes won't be used.
67  */
68 public class TileCollisionEvent {
69 	/**
70 	 * Defines individual tile collisions.
71 	 */
72 	public struct CollisionContext {
73 		Point				position;	///Position of the tile on the map
74 		MappingElement		data;		///Data of the mapping element read out from the layer
75 	}
76 	CollisionShape*		a;			///Source object
77 	int					contextID;	///The context of the collision (e.g. layer number)
78 	CollisionContext[]	topEdge;	///Top edge collisions if any
79 	CollisionContext[]	bottomEdge;	///Bottom edge collisions if any
80 	CollisionContext[]	leftEdge;	///Left edge collisions if any
81 	CollisionContext[]	rightEdge;	///Right edge collisions if any
82 }