Attack time control (between 0 and 127)
Decay time control (between 0 and 127)
Feedback level (between 0.0 and 1.0)
Feedback level controller assignment Index notation: 0: velocity 1: modulation wheel 2: Amplitude LFO 3: Extra envelop generator
Key Scale Level attenuation amount for attack/decay times (0 = 0%/Oct ; 255 = 10%/Oct)
Key Scale Level attenuation amount for feedback (0 = 0.0db/Oct ; 255 = 6.0db/Oct)
Key Scale Level attenuation amount for output (0 = 0.0db/Oct ; 255 = 6.0db/Oct)
Key Scale Level beginning point
Control flags and Wavetable selector
Output level (between 0.0 and 1.0)
Output level controller assignment Index notation: 0: velocity 1: modulation wheel 2: Amplitude LFO 3: unused
Release time control (between 0 and 127)
ADSR shaping parameter (for the attack phase)
Assigns velocity to shpA
ADSR shaping parameter (for the decay/release phase)
Assigns velocity to shpR
Sustain curve control (between 0 and 127) 0: Percussive mode 1 - 63: Descending over time 64: Constant 65 - 127: Ascending over time
Sustain level for the EG
Sets the fine detuning or the whole tuning of the operator depending on tuning mode.
Defines parameters of a single operator