
Loads an audio file into the given audio module. This function is external, with the intent of being able to alter default voicebanks for e.g. mods, localizations, etc.

  1. void loadAudioFile(string modID, int waveID, string path, string dataPak)
    class ModuleConfig
    string modID
    int waveID
    string path
    string dataPak = null
  2. void loadAudioFile(AudioModule mod, int waveID, string path, string dataPak)


modID string

The module identifier string, usually its name within the configuration.

waveID int

The waveform ID. Conflicting waveforms will be automatically overwitten.

path string

Path of the file to be loaded.

dataPak string

If a DataPak is used, then the path to it must be specified there, otherwise it's null.
