
CTOR for 1 bit bitmaps with a preexisting source. Alignment and padding is for size_t (32 and 64 bit, on their respected systems)

  1. this(int w, int h)
  2. this(T[] src, int w, int h)
  3. this(int x, int y, Color* palettePtr)
  4. this(ubyte[] p, int x, int y, Color* palettePtr)
  5. this(int x, int y)
  6. this(ubyte[] p, int x, int y)
  7. this(int w, int h)
  8. this(ubyte[] src, int w, int h)
  9. this(size_t[] src, int w, int h)
    class Bitmap(string S, T)
    @trusted pure
    static if(!(S != "HB" && S != "QB" && S != "b"))
    static if(!(S == "HB"))
    static if(S == "b")
    size_t[] src
    int w
    int h
